Sunday, 24 October 2010

It's not about the cheese... It's about what the cheese represents.

For those of you who don't know, the number one crime you could commit in a student house is stealing food. You could pretty much get away with playing your music loud or never loading the dishwasher, but the moment you use someone else's butter or nick a pot noodle, you've crossed a line.
Why does this particular vice trump all the others? You may well ask. Well, the answer is in the title of this post:

It's not about the food. It's about what the food REPRESENTS.

And what does the food represent? TRUST
Not just any ordinary trust, but the bond of trust between housemates. You don't want to live in a house with people you can't trust, it stops it feeling like home.

Ok so it's also a little bit about the food... students are on a budget... we can't afford to be paying to feed other people.

So let that be a lesson to all those who live/will soon be living in student houses...just pop to the shops... it's not worth it!

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Where there is tea. There is hope.

I am dedicating this post to a beverage that is very dear to my heart. I am a massive tea fan. There is something so inexplicably reassuring about that mug of leafy water that sends me reaching for the kettle every time life gets that bit too stressful for my liking. Like that time I found a spider in my bed or when that side-fringe turned out not to be such a great idea after all... Some people get a stress-ball or a mini Zen garden, I drink tea. (Although I wouldn't mind a mini Zen garden too- check this one out!
So yes, I heart tea. In fact I have decided I heart tea so much that I am willing to pay £4.99 for the privilege of becoming a member of... THE TEA APPRECIATION SOCIETY! Oh yes! I will have a special certificate to prove how much I love tea, a sticker AND a badge! I know, I can't quite believe it myself.
I urge anyone, who like me feels they owe their peace of mind to this stupendous brew, to join also!

Here are some other tea-related links you might like to peruse... (I recommend the urban dictionary one - It's funny because it's true)

Monday, 13 September 2010

I am not alone ...

I would like to say an official thank you to Rosie Sandell who is my first ever follower! I'm glad I'm not the only one with nothing better to do at 1am.

I buy my own brownies...

So I'm getting ready to head back to uni for year two, can't believe I'm not going to be a fresher any more! I've worked out I am going to graduate a full year before most of my friends. Maybe I should have taken a gap year, or a year in industry or something, if only to prevent that moment I actually have to decide what to do with my life. How can you really tell, at 19, what your 30 year-old self will want to be doing? If I had followed the life-plan of my 10 year-old self I would be the 8th member of S club 7 right now!
So yeah, that's where I am at the moment. I'm going to be living in a house of 11 students (a challenge in itself) and this year I actually need to put some serious effort into studying (I was less than committed last year). My friends from home suggested to me over the summer that I start a blog. They said it was because my thoughts were too hilarious not to be shared with the world, but I have a feeling they just want to avoid having to listen to my ranting! Either way it can't be a bad idea...