Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Where there is tea. There is hope.

I am dedicating this post to a beverage that is very dear to my heart. I am a massive tea fan. There is something so inexplicably reassuring about that mug of leafy water that sends me reaching for the kettle every time life gets that bit too stressful for my liking. Like that time I found a spider in my bed or when that side-fringe turned out not to be such a great idea after all... Some people get a stress-ball or a mini Zen garden, I drink tea. (Although I wouldn't mind a mini Zen garden too- check this one out! http://www.otherlandtoys.co.uk/mini-zen-garden-p-790.html)
So yes, I heart tea. In fact I have decided I heart tea so much that I am willing to pay £4.99 for the privilege of becoming a member of... THE TEA APPRECIATION SOCIETY! Oh yes! I will have a special certificate to prove how much I love tea, a sticker AND a badge! I know, I can't quite believe it myself.
I urge anyone, who like me feels they owe their peace of mind to this stupendous brew, to join also!

Here are some other tea-related links you might like to peruse... (I recommend the urban dictionary one - It's funny because it's true)


  1. Spare a thought for an alternative to brownean motion producer (Douglas Adams term not mine). Japanese green tea. It is full of antioxidants and increases metabolic rate so helps weight loss. Don't drink with milk & don't make it too strong (you must be able to see the bottom of the cup). Use water that has cooled a little for a smooth creamy texture. Great. Now where's my towel?

  2. Definitely taking note of that - anything that will help me lose weight without having to get up from the sofa is fine by me! :D
